
Chemical Peeling

There are different types of facial peelings available with varying strengths and results.

Milder peelings can be taken at home in the form of facial creams. These take longer to give a result but have no downtime. The effects also diminish once the cream is discontinued. They are generally good for treating blotchy, skin and may improve some fine wrinkles.

TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel is a deeper peel that is applied by a qualified physician. This results in a controlled chemical burn of the skin which, when healed gives a tighter, more uniform and fresher look by removing the blotchy patches and some fine wrinkles. There is a considerable amount downtime varying from 2 to 4 weeks.

Phenol peels are stronger peels that can treat coarser wrinkles and higher degrees of sun damage. As may be expected, the peel is deeper and the down time is slightly longer than a TCA peeling. Because of the deeper nature of the peel, there is a higher risk of permanent scarring. There is also a permanent loss of pigment in the skin, which makes this peel only worthwhile in patients with light skin who do not tan.

You should note, however, that lasers and chemical peels do not give a facelift. These modalities simply change the nature and quality of the skin and are more accurately known as resurfacing techniques since they affect the skin surface.

Neither miracle creams nor lasers can give the same results as a facelift. Creams can change the quality of the skin and remove some blemishes while lasers can do the same by changing the outer surface of the skin. If your skirt is too long, ironing will take out some of the wrinkles but it will still remain long. To make it shorter, you have to cut some material. The same goes for the loose skin on the face!